While making the choice concerning Preschool’s location and its building we took under consideration the important needs of children like sleeping and playing during the day in home atmosphere. We especially considered the building to be placed far from the traffic, in a quiet environment, and what’s most import, safe environment, so that children can enjoy calm and comfortable play in the fresh air outside. The preschool building has a private garden.

Because of the air pollution that occurs in Kraków, we try to protect our children from it as we can. Before going out for a walk the Teachers check the level of the pollution and if it is on a dangerous level to the health of the little onces, we don’t take them outside.
The air in the Preschool is being filtered by a special air-filter that eliminates dangerous PM25 and PM10 dust.

Oczyszczacz powietrza został przekazany przez Marszałka Województwa Małopolskiego w ramach realizacji projektu zintegrowanego LIFE pn. “Wdrażanie Programy ochrony powietrza dla województwa małopolskiego - Małopolska w zdrowej atmosferze” współfinansowanego ze środków Programu LIFE Unii Europejskiej.

Hygiene and cleaning standards

Hygiene and cleaning standards


In case of an illness the parents are asked by the Preschool’s management to keep their children at home until they get well, this applies to the working personnel as well.

Child’s safetyChild’s safety

We are aware of numerous children accidents that take place in homes. They are often caused by deficient caution. Daisy International Preschool has minimized the risk of possible accidents using the maximum of security tools.

Let’s list the security tools:


We thoroughly pay attention to children’s nutrition. We have prepared an offer of catering nourishment. The catering company is certified to provide food for children.

Children have breakfast, soup, lunch and snack in our Preschool.

The menu for children is being prepared with extreme care for their needs, parents have the possibility to view the menu each week. We want children to try new healthy tastes and to gain adequate healthy feeding habits.

In case of allergic problems to certain product we consult the parents and prepare special menus.

The beverages are prepared from bottled water, appropriate for children.

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